Archive, Electronic Indie, Music

Kian T – Space Tapes EP


We changed a few kind words with Kian T about his latest Ep „Space Tapes“ on Big Bait Records.

Independent Groove: Hi Kian  T! Nice to have you here.

Kian T: Hi!

Independent Groove: What’s your musical background?

Kian T: My background is very wide, from soul to disco to jazz but i fit my pleasures in the 70s, for sure !

Independent Groove: Whence came the inspiration for „Space Tapes“?

Kian T: I was in constant research and experimentation coming from a more „deep“ sound from previous releases so I came out with some new samples from some soul records on the MPC, had my MS20 on the right hand, combined with sci-fi flavor and here it is.

Independent Groove: Describe your record in a word?

Kian T: I’m not that good doing this kind of thing hahahahha! I could say tasty.

Independent Groove: This definition we agree! How did the contact materialized (Big Bait Records)?

Kian T: I was looking for a cool little label that puts music, respect and friendship at first place, there’s nothing more to say about Niels at BigBait, very nice person indeed!

Independent Groove: Do you have plans for the future?

Kian T: Of course I have quite a load of plans, another two records coming before the end of the year, then 2017 is already awesome looking, stay tuned!

Independent Groove: We thank you for your time and wish you much success with the Space tapes EP.

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