Archive, Electronic Indie, Music

Falk Louis – Apple EP


When I met this guy, it was last year at our common studies in musicology, we talked a lot about the right way to release a record. On one hand it makes sence to share the music after a long promotion period and on the other hand: who cares? The only important thing is to release music.
However, one day, I think it was two months later, I got a phone call. It was Falk Louis and he told me that he decides to release his new EP in the next time. Cool!  I thought to myself and asked him when he would like to do that? He told me in 5 hours!

Falk Louis is like a genius who drank too much energy drinks and tries to go to sleep with this typical civil unrest. When I first heard the Apple EP, I only thought: Oh my god, this guy is awesome! Everything he does is an expression of his character, a one-man-company at all levels. I love it, because it’s always a big pleasure to follow artists like him, which brings a second dimension into being. Maybe that’s one reason why the artwork of Falk’s Apple EP fits so good to the music on it. The sound is decently, natural and also familiar without being stale.  He knows how to use guitar and voice between minimal synth-sounds and reverb-effects.  It is like lying with fever in your bed and hearing a strange voice from the end of the room. Time is on your side and the only thing you want to do is to listen to Falk Louis. I think this is his biggest strength. In the end it works well and fits perfectly to all his levels he create next to his music.


[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=3577964561 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false]


Tour dates:

21.09.2016 – Frankfurt am Main(tba)

22.09.2016 – GießenCafe Amelie

23.09.2016 – HanauBrueckenkopf

 24.09.2016 – BerlinMadame Claude

29.09.2016 – HamburgClub 20457

30.10.2016 – HildesheimLitteranova

11.01.2017 – WürzburgWunschlos Glücklich

Support: Teresa Caballo

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