Electronic Indie, Archive, Music

Black Loops – Cassette EP


Black Loops certainly know how to create some killer funky tracks and their latest EP ‘Cassette’ does not disappoint, including remixes by Munich based COEO and Neovinyl’s Carlo. The EP is released through Toy Tonics.  Ricardo and Gabriele make up Black Loops, Riccardo is a funk drummer who lives in Berlin and Gabriele makes his money as a photographer living in Milan. Every two months they both meet in Riccardo’s studio space in Berlin Kreuzberg and jam for a few nights and days. Doing new tracks, mixtapes, loops.

Everything on the EP sounds very well placed.


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Cassette 2 opens the EP, this track is layered with funky beats and a desirable bassline which moves wonderfully together as it brings some smooth and chilled organs into the fold. Cassette 7 is the complete opposite to the opener, its jazzy chords and female vocals add a touch of class and funk to an already groovy track. This one enters a world of its own and drives forward into a powerful and unforgettable musical experience.


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