Archive, Electronic Indie, Music, Culture, Experimental Indie

Teresa Caballo – Spread My Love


‚Spread My Love‘ is the first single by Teresa Caballo, probably the only man which can have a female name?

The distinctive voice carrying us through the narrow streets of a big city and into the small corners of his soul.

A chameleon is Caballo for those who already follow him. After the debut EP ‚Mercy Notes‘ and the debut album ‚Persuasion‘, who are committed to the „Eighties Synth Wave Sound“, Teresa Caballo now goes back to his musical roots, to stop the noise of a fast time.


22.09.16 Gießen, Cafe Amelie
23.09.16 Hanau, Brückenkopf
24.09.16 Berlin, Madamme Claude
27.09.16 Frankfurt a.M., Yachtclub
28.09.16 Oldenburg, KuBar
29.09.16 Hamburg, Club 20457
30.09.16 Hildesheim, Litteranova
02.10.16 Dresden, Hall of Fame

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