Archive, Electronic Indie, Music, Organic Indie

TOVE – Made up Gold


Tove Tejler fuses folk and indie influences into a sound that’s all her own.

You can hear Folk twain subtly intertwine with guitar’s and a hazy voice’s that floats above the melody.

The Ep kicks in with a song called „Gin & Lemonade“. The track’s chilled rhythm has something a little fairy-like and dreamy in it that I adore. It’s the little things in the song that stick out, like the way the drums where used
and the space-echo. She repeats the same stanzas over and over again, but I was so lost in the sound that I didn’t even notice at first. There’s something nice and chilled about this tune that sets a good summer vibe. For those of you in the Northern hemisphere right now that’s probably not so appropriate, but for those of us in the Southern hemisphere it’s perfect. Tove is from sweden.






„Daisies Bloom“ is catchy in a sort of Haim way, but with a far more delicate delivery.

You’ll find this on TOVE’s EP Made up Gold.

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