Electronic Indie, Organic Indie, Music



We changed a few kind words with the guys of Superjava.

Independent Groove: Hi guys!

Superjava: Hi.

Independent Groove: When Superjava was founded?

Superjava: We got together in may of 2015( Archi and Alex) and during the summer 2015 Arnaud joined the band.

Independent Groove: How did the contact materialize (members of superjava)?

Superjava: Archi and Alex met at a music school in Boston (Berklee College of music). They knew each other but didn’t play together. By the time they both came back to france (2 years after graduating) they got back in touch and started recording. Archi was playing in another band with Arnaud and later on asked him to join the band.

Archi: bass lead vocal

Alex: guitar backup vocal

Arnaud: Synth backup vocal

Manu: Drums (live)

Independent Groove: How did you get the idea of your artist name Superjava?

Superjava: For us music is an outlet to express ourself where we feel like superhero where anything is possible and We wanted to create a name that associate our music with dancing « Java » in french means party.

Independent Groove: Where do you get the inspiration for your music?

Superjava: We get our inspiration from our every day life experience and human interaction . We are always recording new musical ideas. Trying to find new sounds is a source of inspiration that keeps us going further and further into the music.

Independent Groove: Which releases from other labels have influenced your style on long terms?

Superjava: Daft punk, Todd Terje, Tahiti 80 & Radiohead.

Independent Groove: Describe your track „all in all“ in one word?

Superjava: Timeless.

Independent Groove: When came the video idea to „all in all“ & „gone away“?

Superjava: The director of the video came up with the idea of associating the band with a 70’s funky time traveler car which symbolise the music of the band.

Independent Groove: Plans to an official publication on a label?

Superjava: Not for the moment.

Independent Groove: Live appearances?

Superjava: We played some shows in Paris in june and we are going to play shows all along the french coast during the summer. We will be back on stage in Paris in september.

Independent Groove: Plans for the future?

Superjava: Shooting our 3rd video, writing new materiel and playing shows all around France and further.

Independent Groove: We thank you for your time and wish you much success with Superjava.


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