Archive, Electronic Indie, Music, The Dude Abides, Experimental Indie

T.hanks – Café Bohemian EP


Café Bohemian is the debut EP from Sydney-based producer, t.hanks – one of the minds behind label Post Pluto. This glorious four track EP features lush string sections and warm 707 sequences in a percussive, deep house groove.

“Café Bohemian”, the EP’s title track, takes you on a journey through warm rhodes keys, soaring string melodies and dubbed out vocals. Its Golf Club Mix follows, bringing you into the club, with 707 jams paving the way for a dancefloor stormer.

[soundcloud url=“″ params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false“ width=“100%“ height=“450″ iframe=“true“ /]

On the B side, “Mister” indulges in funky basslines with a jiving percussion section. Then “Kerouac” takes things a bit deeper and back to the lounge room with soft spoken whispers of beat poetry, while paying homage to the effortlessly cool sounds of bossa nova.

Café Bohemian is the limited second release from Post Pluto and will be only available on hand numbered, hand stamped vinyl.

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